- January – BOD, and McKinley shared findings during the Winter Senate meeting and gathered additional feedback. The majority of the Senate agreed with the need to be more strategic.
- March – McKinley shared preliminary governance models and recommendations with the task force, spent the next several months collaborating with the task force to develop recommendations for the BOD.
- June – Taskforce shared recommendations and options with BOD. BOD volunteer leads were assigned to each of seven major areas, and sub-groups were formed consisting of Senators, Governors, and volunteer leaders.
- August – Governance update was shared at region leadership summits and through Senate communications. Sub-groups started meeting regularly to take an in-depth look at each of the recommendations and determine an appropriate path forward.
- October – A portion of the Senate meeting was set aside for in-depth discussions by subgroups. Governance update was the main topic of discussion at the WE15 Town Hall. Many cited less than adequate communication as an issue.