
Leadership Coaching Committee

The Leadership Coaching Committee (LCC) is a trained group of more than 65 experienced SWE members who work with sections, Members at Large (MAL), and affiliate leadership to develop and support SWE leaders at all levels. SWE Leadership Coaches are available to share their SWE expertise via sessions, answer questions, and help your SWE section thrive! Leadership Coaches provide support to SWE sections and affiliates at no cost, so please consider working with your coach during the fiscal year!

Contact lcc-chair@swe.org for all questions/comments about the Leadership Coaching Committee.


In the Leaders Roster on the Leaders area of the member portal, you will see your assigned Leadership Coach. If you have any questions, please can contact the LCC Chair at LCC-Chair@swe.org.

You can contact the LCC Chair at LCC-Chair@swe.org.

Yes! You can find your Leadership Coach in the Leadership Portal. If you still have questions or can’t contact your Leadership Coach, please contact the LCC Chair at LCC-Chair@swe.org

Possibly. If your affiliate has requested a Coach and your affiliate’s renewal paperwork has been submitted for the current fiscal year, then yes, you have an assigned Coach.  If you are unable to contact your Coach or would like to have one assigned, contact the Global Coaching Lead at LCC_Global@swe.org

Your LCC Coach can advise your leadership team on a variety of topics including fundraising, event planning, succession planning, member engagement, member recruitment, conflict resolution, elections, etc.

Yes, you can contact the Section Start Up Lead at SectionStartUp@swe.org

  • Contact the LCC Recruitment Lead at LCC_Apply@swe.org
  • We have two rounds of cohorts every fiscal year with Cohort 1 of FY24: Application due May 15, 2023, training to begin in July 2023
  • Cohort 2 of Fiscal Year 2024: Application due December 1, 2023, training to begin in February 2024
  • Download this flyer (PDF)

The LCC has plenty of leadership opportunities in the committee, from formal applications for Chair/Chair-Elect to internal leadership such as Coaching Leads, Recruitment, Social Medial, Committee Collaboration, Global, Section Startup and Training. Also being a coach within the LCC allows you to be a leader when you are consulting with assigned SWE groups.

Please reach out to lcc-chair@swe.org to see how we are able to best support your groups needs

LCC Leadership Team

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Amy Gelsinger

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Brianna LaBarge
Coaching Lead

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Kirti Maheshwari
Global Coaching Lead

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Ashley Lesser
Coaching Lead

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Valerie Kettering
Coaching Lead

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Ucheonye Maple
Coaching Lead

Cecilia Klauber

Cecilia Klauber
Focus Lead, Communications

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Samantha Lies
Focus Lead, Section Start Up

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Kalie Miera
Focus Lead, Faculty Advisor and Counselor

Emilie Steinhoff

Emilie Steinhoff
Focus Lead, Training

Amanda Wagner

Amanda Wagner
Focus Lead, Committee Collaboration

Maryssa Weir

Maryssa Weir
Focus Lead, Recruitment

Section Support Resources

Your Leadership Coach is listed in the Leadership portal along with the President and Treasurer for your Section/Affiliate

The SWE Advanced Learning Center contains various webinars for learning and training purposes.  Some webinars contain closed captions and are available in languages other than English.