SWENext Clubs: Lead Change In Your Local STEM Community

What Is a SWENext Club?

SWENext Clubs connect SWE members, SWENexters, and students in your area! A SWENext Club can be any size with primary and secondary school students. Visit our All Together blog to learn more about SWENext Clubs. 

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How to Start or Join a SWENext Club

Starting a SWENext Club will allow you to gain leadership experience that can be used on college applications, get more of your peers engaged in STEM, connect to SWE Members, and more.

For information on starting a SWENext Club, check out our SWENext Clubs Quick Facts Sheet

What Can You Do With Your SWENext Club?

Looking for things to do with your SWENext Club? We’ve put together this SWENext Club Activity Guide to help you with the process. From idea creation to execution, this guide will help you and your club plan a successful event whether for outreach, college/career preparation, or community building!

Club Counselor Grant

If your club is having trouble securing your counselor due to potential financial burdens created by the current SWENext Club registration process, please look into our SWENext Club Counselor Grant.

Applications will open August 19, 2024

If you have questions, please reach out to outreach@swe.org.

Find a SWENext Club Near You!

There are more than 200 SWENext Clubs around the world. Use the map below to see if there is a club in your area. If you are an existing SWENext Club and the information on the map needs to be updated, please contact outreach@swe.org.

Club ID #: 2087
Young Women’s Leadership Academy
Counselor Name: Tiffany Bailey
Age Range: Ages 14-18, Ages 10-13
Club ID #: 2112
Counselor Name: Astra Zeno
Age Range: Ages 10-13, Ages 14-18

Need More Club Resources?