SWE Endowed Scholarship – Legacy Region Scholarships
SWE endowed scholarship have been established by leaders in several former SWE Regions. SWE Regions were formed in the 1980s and were organized by the Society into the following ten geographical zones in addition to Members at Large (MALs) and International members.
- Golden West, Region A: northern California, northern Nevada, Hawaii.
- Sonora, Region B: New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, southern Nevada, southern California.
- Gulf Coast, Region C: Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi.
- Southeast, Region D: Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina.
- Mid-Atlantic, Region E: eastern New York, New Jersey, eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia.
- New England, Region F: Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Maine, western New York
- Ohio Valley, Region G: Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia, western Pennsylvania.
- Heartland Region (Region H): Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin.
- Square Root -1, Region I: Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming.
- Northwest Star, Region J: Alaska, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana.
These SWE Regions were developed to improve communication and increase member engagement in a non-digital environment. SWE members were able to participate in leadership roles, host conferences, and apply for awards through their Region.
Over the years, SWE has experienced a tremendous growth in membership not only in the United States but across the global! To support that membership growth and develop SWE leaders globally, the Society began exploring options for restructuring its governance in FY15. In FY17, the SWE Governance Task Force was formed to finalize and communicate detailed plans for implementing governance update recommendations, which included dissolving Regions, refocusing the Senate as SWE’s strategic body, and improving Society committee volunteer experiences. In FY18, SWE Bylaws revisions required for the governance update were approved by the Senate during their Annual Meeting at WE17 in Austin, TX.
The following SWE endowed scholarship were established by Regions throughout their existence to support members in their area of the country. Other scholarships were established during the Region dissolution process as a way to reapproriate funds and remember the remarkable work of a specific SWE Region.
Region A: Golden West Region Legacy Scholarship – Established in the Fall of 2019 utilizing remaining Region A funds for the scholarship endowment. SWE members in any major and in their undergraduate or graduate studies attending universities or colleges within the legacy Region A boundaries are eligible to apply. The scholarship amount is $1,000.
Region B: Sonora Region B Scholarship – Established in the fall of 2017. Remaining Region funds were added to the endowment upon the dissolution of Regions. SWE members in any major and in their undergraduate studies attending universities or colleges in legacy Region B boundaries are eligible to apply.
Region D: Southeast Diamond Scholarship – Established in the fall of 2019 utilizing remaining Region D funds for the scholarship endowment. SWE members in any major and in their undergraduate studies having a home address or attending universities or colleges in the legacy Region D boundaries are eligible to apply. The scholarship amount is $1,000.
Region H: Heartland Scholarships 1 & 2 – Originally established as Region H scholarships in fall of 2008. Remaining Region H funds were added to the endowment upon the dissolution of Regions, and the scholarship was renamed for the fall of 2019. SWE members in any major and in their undergraduate or graduate studies attending universities or colleges within the legacy Region H boundaries are eligible to apply.
Region J: Northwest Star Legacy Scholarship – Originally established as the SWE Region J scholarship in the fall of 2015. Remaining Region J funds were added to the endowment upon the dissolution of Regions, and the scholarship was renamed for the fall of 2019. SWE members in any major and in their undergraduate or graduate studies attending universities or colleges in legacy Region J boundaries are eligible to apply. This scholarship is renewable for up to five years.
Number Available: 1Class: Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Graduate
Major: Any
Amount: $2000
SWE Membership required. Must attend a school within Region H boundaries: ND, SD, MN, IA, WI, IL, MI, IN.