Board of Trustees, Chair
Janis Mantini, F.SWE, has more than 32 years of experience working in the aerospace industry in various positions, including management; supplier management; program management; and the design, test, and evaluation of aerospace products. Prior to her retirement, she was responsible for leading integration and program management for the Networks and Tactical Systems Business where her team supported the program management function for the business. Site integration activities include supporting the Boeing Southern California State/Local Government regional working group; working to establish Anaheim and Huntington Beach site’s presence in the region, keeping it aligned with the site and program strategies; and supporting Boeing on local boards. She also worked on several strategic initiatives with the BDS Engineering function.
Previously, Mantini served as program manager for the Southern California site consolidation, where she led activities associated with the reduced footprint of the Boeing Anaheim facility and the transition of about 3,000 employees from Anaheim to Boeing’s Huntington Beach facility. Additionally, she spent three years as systems engineering director for a classified program in Boeing’s Space and Intelligence Systems Division. With an extensive background in supplier management, she also supported the Space & Intelligence Systems Division, the Expendable Launch Vehicles Division, C-17 Program, and the International Space Station Program in supplier management leadership roles. She held a Department of Defense Top Secret and SCI level clearance.
Mantini has a B.S. degree in aerospace engineering from The Pennsylvania State University and an MBA from Pepperdine University. She is a Fellow in the Society of Women Engineers and the Institute for the Advancement of Engineering. Mantini was selected by Penn State as an Outstanding Engineering Alumnus for 2011.
She has served as chair of the board of directors of the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce and on the Orange County Workforce Investment Board. She has served on and been chair of the City of Huntington Beach Planning Commission. She is a member of and was the 2011 chair for the Penn State Industrial and Professional Advisory Council for the College of Engineering, aerospace department. She is a board member and secretary for the SWE BOT and the VisitHB Business Improvement District marketing bureau. Mantini serves as a commissioner for the City of Huntington Beach Community Services Commission.