Peggy Layne, P.E., F.SWE, former Assistant Provost and Director of ADVANCE Program at Virginia Tech
Roberta Rincon, Ph.D., SWE Associate Director of Research
Maria Lund Dahlberg, M.S., Senior Program Officer, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Marie Harton, Ph.D., Program Officer, National Academies Committee on Women in Science, Engineering, and Medicine
Friday, October 22, 2021
1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Virtual Session
The State of Women in Engineering session presents an overview of research affecting women in engineering. During this special event, Peggy Layne, P.E., F.SWE, will discuss the current research landscape regarding data on girls’ interest in engineering, workplace culture, and more. Roberta Rincon, Ph.D., will share an update of SWE’s research projects, including our NSF-funded studies.
Expanding on the research shared in SWE Magazine’s State of Women in Engineering March 2021 issue, Maria Lund Dalhberg, M.S., and Marie Harton, Ph.D., will discuss two recent reports from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Careers of Women in Academic Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and Promising Practices for Addressing the Underrepresentation of Women in Science, Engineering, and Medicine.
About the Speakers

Peggy Layne, P.E., F.SWE, is former assistant provost and director of the ADVANCE program at Virginia Tech. She holds degrees in environmental and water resources engineering and science and technology studies. Layne is the editor of Women in Engineering: Pioneers and Trailblazers and Women in Engineering: Professional Life (ASCE Press, 2009). A Fellow of the Society of Women Engineers, Layne served as SWE FY97 president.

Roberta Rincon, Ph.D., is the associate director of research for the Society of Women Engineers, where she oversees the organization’s research activities on gender equity issues affecting girls and women in engineering, education, and career. Before joining SWE, she was a senior research and policy analyst at The University of Texas System in the Office of Academic Affairs. Rincon received her B.S. in civil engineering from The University of Texas at Austin, an MBA and an M.S. in information management from Arizona State University, and a Ph.D. in educational policy and planning from UT Austin.

Maria Lund Dahlberg is a senior program officer and study director with the Board on Higher Education and Workforce and the Committee on Women in Science, Engineering, and Medicine of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Her work spans topics ranging from equity and identity in science to postdoctoral research experiences, health care, and innovation ecosystems. She was a Christine Mirzayan Science and Technology Policy Fellow, completing all requirements short of finalizing the dissertation for her doctorate in physics at Pennsylvania State University. She holds a B.A. with high honors in physics from Vassar College and an M.S. in physics from Pennsylvania State University.

Marie Harton, Ph.D. is a program officer with the National Academies Committee on Women in Science, Engineering, and Medicine. Dr. Harton has worked on a range of topics, including broadening participation and leadership opportunities for women in STEM, addressing structural barriers for women entrepreneurs, and preventing sexual harassment in higher education. Before the Academies, Dr. Harton was an AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow at the National Science Foundation and a postdoctoral research fellow at the National Cancer Institute at NIH. Dr. Harton holds a B.S. and Ph.D. in chemistry from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Columbia University, respectively.