Fellow Grade
Susan Thomas Schlett
Sikorsky Aircraft
For long-term contributions to helicopter testing; for passionate advocacy of membership initiatives; and for steadfast support of SWE wherever she has lived and worked.
Susan Thomas Schlett spent 15 years at Sikorsky Aircraft, rising to the position of senior mechanical test engineer. She has worked on a range of helicopter models, including U.S. presidential helicopters, and she has worked internationally with Sikorsky suppliers.
In 1992, Schlett led an interdepartmental team to develop and implement quality improvement plan objectives required under a military quality directive for Sikorsky. These efforts included training of manufacturing and quality assurance personnel on the acceptance test procedure, or ATP, Index, establishing an ATP Library on the shop floor, and implementing a production line pilot program to assess effectiveness of new procedures. Schlett received an Engineering Department Recognition Award for her long-term contributions, which are still in use today.
Schlett worked with Sikorsky Aircraft’s parent company, United Technologies Corp., encouraging leaders to embrace the Society of Women Engineers in their recruiting efforts. This resulted in her leading UTC teams representing all of its major companies at several SWE conference career fairs. Schlett left Sikorsky in 1999 to engage fully with her family and in SWE activities.
A SWE life member, Schlett has served the Society for more than 40 years, leading four professional sections — Hartford, Minnesota, Charlotte-Metrolina, and Wisconsin. She received SWE’s Distinguished Service award in 2017.
Schlett joined SWE while at Trinity College, where she was instrumental in obtaining a charter and serving as the first president of the SWE Trinity College Section. She earned a B.S. in engineering in 1984, the only woman in her class. At SWE Hartford, she served on the Council of Section Representatives and co-authored Region F bylaws that led to the first Region F executive council to support UTC women as they pursed careers as engineers. She built SWE-Minnesota’s website and received its fiscal year 2002 Bravest New Volunteer award.
Schlett served the SWE Wisconsin Section as president for two terms. During her years as membership chair, the section more than tripled in size. While serving on the Society collegiate upgrade committee, she addressed the needs of SWE collegiate members as they transitioned to professional members. As SWE membership committee chair-elect, she phoned all 108 professional sections to discuss section vitality. As chair, she broadcast its first membership webinar, which is still included in leadership coaching modules.
Schlett contributed to school communities as her family moved around the country. She was vice president/secretary at North Lake School for six years. On a six-year term with the Trinity College engineering advisory committee, she was instrumental in the college’s application for ABET accreditation in engineering.
Schlett and husband Dereck have three children: Tyler is a design engineer, Ethan is at New York University, and daughter Shea attends Waukesha County Technical College. Schlett enjoys garden restoration and yoga.