
Darcy Andersen, Senior Manager, Outreach & Student Programs

Darcy Andersen is the Senior Manager of Outreach and Student Programs. Before coming to SWE, she managed a lab at The University of Chicago where she identified a new model system for studying muscular dystrophy in fruit flies. Darcy joined SWE in 2016 as an outreach coordinator and grew into the role of outreach manager through 2019. After a full-time parenting career break, Darcy rejoined the SWE team in 2023.

Darcy is responsible for developing resources for adult advocates inspiring the next generation of women engineers and executing SWE’s Annual Conference Invent It. Build It. event. She oversees grant deployment, reporting, and communication strategy for the department. Darcy has a B.S. in Genetics and Developmental Biology.

Email: Darcy.Andersen@swe.org