Silvia Karlsson, P.E., F.SWE


Silvia Karlsson FY25 Treasurer
Silvia Karlsson FY25 Treasurer


Silvia Karlsson, P.E., F.SWE, manages a group of engineers in the areas of aerodynamics and aeroacoustics at General Motors. She is responsible for leading program execution, proper tool mix, global strategy, resource management, and motor sports teams’ support. Prior to GM, she worked for Rocketdyne, then a division of the Boeing Company, on the space shuttle main engine.

A fellow and life member of the Society of Women Engineers, Karlsson has made significant contributions to outreach, professional development, and diversity at all levels of the Society. She has been an active member of the organization since she was an undergraduate. Karlsson led many outreach initiatives as a member of the Los Angeles Section. As a member of SWE Detroit, she co-founded the Coalition of Minority Professional Engineering Societies and has held nearly every officer position, including president.

Karlsson has served the Society as Region H director, finance committee chair, and conference programming board chair. Since FY06, Karlsson has been a member of the Corporate Partnership Council and leads the SWE-GM recruiting team. She is a champion and member of the SWE STEM Reentry Task Force and GM’s Take 2 program.

She holds a B.S. in mechanical engineering from California State University, Northridge; an M.S. in mechanical/aerospace engineering from UCLA; and an M.S. in management of technology from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. She is a registered professional engineer in California and Michigan.

Karlsson, an active member of her church, is a life member of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers and the Girl Scouts of the United States of America. She grew up in Mexico City and has family in 10 countries.
