Dr. Isabelle French


Dr. Isabelle FrenchIsabelle is a SWE Pioneer.  She joined SWE in 1951 and has been an active participant in Society activities ever since.  She served as section director for both the Boston and Philadelphia sections, chairman of the Philadelphia section, vice-chairman of Boston, director-at-large, national treasurer, member of the Executive Committee, and national secretary.

She was the sixth woman to graduate from Tri-State College’s School of Engineering and the first in radio engineering.   Tri-State’s Alumni Association honored her in 1962 with a Distinguished Service Award.  After graduation, Isabelle was engaged in the engineering development and manufacture of radar tubes at Sylvania in Massachusetts until 1952 and for the next two years in a similar capacity on infrared sensitive tubes at Capehart-Farnsworth in Indiana. From 1954 until her retirement in 19xx, Isabelle was with the Bell Telephone Laboratories in Allentown, PA.

Isabelle built her own home in Allentown and, after retiring to Washington State, has been doing woodworking of all types — building furniture and cabinets, remodeling kitchens.

  • B.S. in Radio Engineering, 1944, Tri-State College
  • D.Eng., 1966, Tri-State College
  • Fellow Life Member of SWE