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Malaysia Engineering Professionals

Data from the last three annual reports created by the Board of Engineers Malaysia show that the majority of registered engineers across various levels tend to concentrate around three specific engineering disciplines: civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering. However, the majority of registered professional engineers and professional engineers with practicing certifications (highest level) are in civil…

Malaysia Higher Education

In 2017, the Department of Statistics in Malaysia published a report titled Statistics on Women Empowerment in Selected Domains, which provided information on student enrollment in engineering, manufacturing, and construction. The overall proportion of women enrolled in these fields was between 37% and 40% from 2014 to 2016. Women’s representation differs by the type of…

Malaysia Science and Engineering Career Expectations

The 2018 PISA survey also included a portion where students were asked about their science and engineering career aspirations. A comparable proportion of both Malaysian boys and girls (18% and 6%, respectively) as the OECD average proportion of boys and girls (15% and 7%, respectively) expect to have a science or engineering career by age…

Malaysia High School Preparation

Fifteen-year-old students from Malaysia participated in OECD’s 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) assessment. In both mathematics and science, Malaysian students’ average scores were lower than the average scores of students belonging to OECD countries. However, for both math and science portions of the PISA, Malaysian girls’ average scores were higher than that of…