SWE Programs: K-12 and Higher Education
To expand the SWE community, through SWE Programs, we’ve developed a way for girls (ages 17 and under) to learn and participate in engineering: SWENext. This unique program provides young girls, parents, and educators with the tools they need to increase their understanding of the engineering field. SWENext is a great new way to establish engagement with engineering and provides a dynamic opportunity to learn, connect with peers, and witness women engineers in action. SWENext participants can meet women role models, which is a critical step so that they can visualize themselves in a STEM career. To learn more about SWENext and other SWE programs, sign a future engineer up here.
In 2017, SWE awarded approximately 233 new and renewed scholarships valued at over $715,000. The SWE Scholarship Program provides financial assistance to women admitted to accredited baccalaureate or graduate programs, in preparation for careers in engineering, engineering technology, and computer science. We’ve updated our scholarship videos online to help make the application process easy. They are some of our most popular videos on YouTube. Learn more at scholarships.swe.org.
Collegiate Leadership Institute
SWE’s Collegiate Leadership Institute (CLI) is a three-day program with highly interactive sessions. It provides advanced training on how to professionally engage in the workforce, tips on work/life balance as well as best practices for interviewing and job hunting. Speakers and facilitators are noted experts in leadership and career development.
SWE Programs: Workplace
Advance Learning Center
More than 100 learning opportunities are available in the Advance Learning Center, most of them free to SWE Members. SWE Learning empowers women to succeed at every stage of their personal development and professional careers. We support the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women in engineering through career resources, professional development, and one-to-one networking opportunities. In the Advance Learning Center, register for webinars or view recorded ones. You’ll also find online conferences, podcasts, and e-learning modules as well as content from five career coaches. Find it all at advancelearning.swe.org.
Diversity & Inclusion Knowledge Cards
SWE’s Diversity & Inclusion knowledge cards have been developed through a collaboration between the Society of Women Engineers and Arup. Each card revolves around a key aspect of identifying the unconscious biases in the engineering industry in North America. The intention of these cards is to act as a catalyst for discussion and reflection on how companies can help foster a welcoming work environment. Learn more here.
STEM Re-entry Task Force
The STEM Re-entry Task Force is an initiative to increase the number of technical women in the STEM sector by providing support to women who are returning from a career break. It is designed to produce a structural change in the STEM sector with internships at major engineering and technology firms as a vehicle for engaging women returning to the technical space. The STEM Re-entry Task force was formed by a partnership between SWE and iRelaunch, the leading and most comprehensive career reentry resource. Learn more at reentry.swe.org.
Women of Color in Engineering Collaborative
The Society of Women Engineers, in collaboration with the Advancing Indigenous People in STEM (AISES), the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), and the Women in Engineering ProActive Network (WEPAN), received a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF Award #2310386) to support the creation of the Women of Color in Engineering Collaborative (WCEC). The WCEC seeks to identify impactful promising practices for retaining women of color in the engineering profession. Learn more at womenofcolorengineers.org.